This is Movie Fight Club, a weekly opportunity to have pointless arguments with strangers about movies.
How it works:
Every Monday a new movie question is posted. It’s free to watch the fight ringside, but subscribers get to participate and compete with other fighters answering the question. Whoever gets the most likes on their answer gets the honor of choosing the next week’s question.
The Rules:
Post your answer as a comment. Make it clear that this is your official answer, one per member.
No profanity. No pornography.
Defend your answer in the comments and fight it out against other MFC members’ answers for the rest of the week.
Whoever gets the most likes on their official answer comment (and only that comment) by Friday night wins the fight.
The winner gets the honor of posting the next question the following Saturday.
In the case of a tie, the member who posted the question will decide the winner.
Only movies will qualify (no TV shows, or documentaries); however, films that air on television or streaming (BBC films, a stand-alone mini-series) will qualify.
Your answer can be as off-the-wall or controversial as you’d like. It will be up to you to defend it and win people to your side.Â
Fight it out.
Know someone who’d like to join the fight? Let them know about us. The more fighters the better. Discounted rates are available for groups of four or more…perhaps sign up your family and friends as a gift.
I'd leap into Neil from Dead Poets Society at the moment when he's arguing in his father's study about wanting to pursue acting. No backing down, no tragic suicide in despair. I'd tell pops what's up and then smile and fix a turkey sandwich.
If he continued to threaten military school I'd tell him how much they'll love my recitations of Henry V when I get there. Ha.